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Mindin' My Wellness
Mindin' My Wellness
Dani Marenburg | Macros, Nutrition and Flexible Dieting Tips

The Mindin’ My Wellness podcast is a podcast for busy, motivated and health-empowered women who are ready to kick old dieting mentalities to... more

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How to Use Protein to Your Advantage For Fat Loss

Are you ready to use protein to its full advantage? There is a reason I am known as the protein... more

03 Sep 2024 · 23 minutes
Navigating the Postpartum Transition with Tayla Burke and Tori Dietz

If you are a new mom entering the postpartum period and are looking for some honest, real-life advice and stories,... more

27 Aug 2024 · 45 minutes
Reducing Cellulite: Is It Possible and How Can I Do It?

Ever wondered if it's possible to reduce cellulite? In this episode, we're diving into the science behind cellulite and the... more

20 Aug 2024 · 15 minutes
Should I Focus on Fat Loss or Building Muscle First?

If I asked about your fitness goals, chances are you’d say, ‘I want to lose fat and build muscle.’ But... more

13 Aug 2024 · 28 minutes
The Impact of Insulin Resistance on the Body and How to Reverse It with Dr. Morgan Nolte

Have you heard of the term insulin resistance but are unsure what it means, let alone how it can affect... more

06 Aug 2024 · 37 minutes
Food Tracking App Q&A: Tracking Meals Out, MyFitnessPal Free vs. Paid Versions and More (Part 3)

Are you excited about dining out but unsure how to log it in your food tracking app? Ever wondered if... more

30 Jul 2024 · 26 minutes
Food Tracking App Q&A: Pre-logging Tips, Tracking Alcohol and More! (Part 2)

Have you been missing tracking those licks, bites, and tastes into your food tracking app? Or maybe you are forgetting... more

23 Jul 2024 · 31 minutes
Food Tracking App Q&A: How to Create Recipes, Weighing Raw vs. Cooked and More! (Part 1)

Feeling overwhelmed and slightly lost when it comes to logging your macros in your food tracking app? You're not alone—my... more

16 Jul 2024 · 30 minutes
Debunking Common Fitness Trends and Building Muscle Through “Gentle Consistency” with Dr. Shannon of @dr.shannon.dpt

If your body isn’t absolutely wrecked after you strength train, did you even strength train? If you are nodding along... more

09 Jul 2024 · 40 minutes
5 Signs You Need To Change Your Macros

Ever wondered if it's time to tweak your macros? Or maybe it’s been a while, and you are ready to... more

02 Jul 2024 · 24 minutes
Honest Chat: How I'm Navigating a Stressful Life Transition and the ONE Thing I'm Doing to Get Back On Track With My Nutrition

Transitioning through stressful life changes can make it tough to prioritize nutrition, even for a seasoned sustainable nutrition coach like... more

25 Jun 2024 · 25 minutes
Should You Track Macros While Pregnant and Postpartum?

Are you a mama-to-be or a new mom wondering if you should track macros during your pregnancy or postpartum period?... more

18 Jun 2024 · 33 minutes
When the Bloat is REAL: How to Heal Your Bloating For Good with Hannah Aylward

Are you feeling bloated and frustrated? I’ve been in your shoes and know how tough it can be. That's why,... more

11 Jun 2024 · 39 minutes
Client Spotlight: How Claire Achieved Body Recomposition While Leading a Busy Life at 42

Is there ever a perfect time to start working towards your body recomposition goals? In this episode, we're joined by... more

04 Jun 2024 · 37 minutes
7 Tips for Navigating Summer Without Sacrificing Your Body Goals

The countdown to summer (and all the fun that comes along with it) is on, but how can you navigate... more

28 May 2024 · 35 minutes
5 Ingredients to Avoid for Optimal Health with Janine Higbie, CDN

Ever wonder what hidden ingredients might be sabotaging your health goals? This episode could be the eye-opener you've been searching... more

21 May 2024 · 35 minutes
Q&A: How to Increase Protein Without Fat, Tips For Speeding Up Fat Loss, Go-To Fiber Sources and More

Are you struggling to increase your protein intake without increasing your fats? Or maybe it’s increasing your fiber intake that... more

14 May 2024 · 31 minutes
How to Strength Train and Leverage Your Pelvic Floor Throughout Pregnancy For a Smoother Delivery and Recovery

When you first think of pregnancy, you probably don’t associate strength training with it. However, the right strength and pelvic... more

07 May 2024 · 36 minutes
How Many Calories Does Thermic Effect of Food Burn? | Calorie Burning Series

Welcome to the Calorie Burning Series!Would you believe me if I told you that the type of food you eat... more

30 Apr 2024 · 15 minutes
Why More Hours of Workout Doesn't Mean More Calories Burned. Here's What You Need To Know About the Thermic Effect of Activity | Calorie Burning Series

Welcome to the Calorie Burning Series!Have you ever heard people say things like ‘take the stairs’ or ‘park further away... more

23 Apr 2024 · 26 minutes
How to Use Your BMR in Shaping Your Caloric Burn Rate | Calorie Burning Series

Welcome to the Calorie Burning Series!I’m so excited to bring you this 3-part series on how we burn calories for... more

16 Apr 2024 · 17 minutes
Navigating Macros With a Plant-Based Diet with Samara of @nomeatmacros

Are you struggling to hit your protein targets on a plant-based diet? This episode brings you the protein-packed solutions you've... more

09 Apr 2024 · 23 minutes
If I Wanted to Lose 10lbs By Summer, This is What I'd Do...

Are you looking to shed some pounds before Summer is here? This time of year, I get flooded with women... more

02 Apr 2024 · 47 minutes
Should You Be Taking Creatine?

Curious about creatine and whether it's the right supplement for your fitness goals? This episode has got you covered. We're... more

26 Mar 2024 · 29 minutes
Regulating Blood Sugar For Optimal Health with Jess of @nourishedbynutrition

Ever feel like you're strapped into a blood sugar rollercoaster, with its highs and lows affecting everything from your energy... more

19 Mar 2024 · 42 minutes
SURPRISE... I'm Pregnant!! How We Found Out, The First trimester and More!

I'm pregnant! And while I'm absolutely over the moon to share this news, the journey here was anything but straightforward.... more

12 Mar 2024 · 37 minutes
Why I Don't Believe in "IIFYM" as a Macro Coach

Have you ever seen #IIFYM on socials? If you are unfamiliar with the term, it stands for 'If It Fits... more

05 Mar 2024 · 25 minutes
Client Spotlight: Transitioning from Keto to Macros and Overcoming the Scale with Christina H.

Have you ever been tempted by the Keto diet? Before taking the plunge, you’ll want to hear this episode. I... more

27 Feb 2024 · 41 minutes
My Hormone Journey: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Candida and More!

Ever wonder what really lies behind those frustrating symptoms of irregular periods and acne outbreaks? Well, in this episode, I... more

20 Feb 2024 · 40 minutes
Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro + More: How to Sustain Results If Your Goal Is Not Long-Term Use

Before we dive into today’s episode, I want to preface by saying please speak with your medical provider if you... more

13 Feb 2024 · 22 minutes
Mindin' My Wellness
Should You Be Taking Creatine?
Mindin' My Wellness

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Curious about creatine and whether it's the right supplement for your fitness goals? This episode has got you covered. We're diving deep... more