Semi-monthly check-ins for self-reflection. As a mental health counselor in training, I'm here to remind you that your experience is valid, your... more
The last in the series on Tantric Numerology - the Positive Mind!The last episode until futher notice. (I work full... more
When is it time to be alone, and when is it time to come together? Your body knows. Ant Spirit... more
Reliability and resilience. Where can you life use your own reliability and resilience?And, can you dig up the courage to... more
Intelligence. What does it really mean? Is intuition enough? Is it even legitimate? Pig Spirit says intelligence is a mix... more
What is teaching you this month? Dive into the parts of your consciousness you haven't seen yet. They're not hidden,... more
How do you co-create with spirit? Recognize you are spirit, you are whole and complete within yourself, and let what... more
Free your flow by providing it strength, structure, and stability. This is a beautiful invitation to work on your inner... more
Even in Chaos, magic is working in your favor. Trust it. This month we are working with the energy of... more
Rate your confidence on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being 100% confident 100% of the time. Not there yet?... more
We're working with FOCUS this month, and our pets have so much to say!Highlights:Be where your feet areBe loyal to... more
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