Hosted by Dave Scriven-Young, this show features conversations with top litigators, judges, and experts to help litigators develop their careers, win more... more
Bullying is a real problem in the legal profession impacting recruitment, retention, and even driving lawyers out of the field.... more
Civility. There seems to be a lack of it these days. But being civil, developing relationships, and settling differences professionally... more
As the year winds down, it’s a good time to take stock of your life as both a person and... more
When is it time, and how do you know, to step back from your busy, often hectic, law practice and... more
Berkeley Research Group (BRG) is a Premier Sponsor of the ABA Litigation Section. On this Litigation Radio episode, we will... more
Let’s look at two recent Supreme Court cases impacting the role and powers of federal regulators. After decades of accepted... more
It’s summertime, and that means it’s time for law student summer associate and clerkship programs. If you’re a law student,... more
America’s banks play a critical role in our economy, and the industry is one of the most heavily regulated, with... more
Round Table Group is a Premier Sponsor of the ABA Litigation Section. On this Litigation Radio episode, we will hear... more
Being a lawyer involves constant pressure and stress. It’s a profession filled with challenges—everything from demanding partners and tight deadlines... more
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