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Herbal or Verbal?
Herbal or Verbal?
Marissa Fike

As both a therapist and lover of herbal teas, whenever I hear the phrase "I have tea for you!", the only appropriate... more

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Mindfulness Meditation - Clouds in the Sky

Join me for a brief, peaceful meditation (option #2) that is designed to help you practice having the observer stance... more

22 Aug 2023 · 13 minutes
Mindfulness Meditation - Leaves on a Stream

Join me for a brief, peaceful meditation that is designed to help you practice having the observer stance towards your... more

22 Aug 2023 · 14 minutes
Mindful Acceptance - The Value of Each Emotion

Join me for a peaceful conversation about why a posture of mindful acceptance towards your emotions is valuable to you.... more

20 Aug 2023 · 27 minutes
Herbal or Verbal?
Mindfulness Meditation - Clouds in the Sky
Herbal or Verbal?
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