Join me in the hive, where we talk about all things marketing for small businesses, with insights for all offers and revenue... more
In this episode I dive further into one of the things that impacts our revenue so much: pricing. I delve... more
Marketing can’t cover up the consequences of every business decision, even though many businesses act like it can. In this... more
It's been a while, so I wanted to check in and share about what's been going on and how I'm... more
Rachelle Siebke is a money coach, working with life coaches who want to be smart with their money. She’s on... more
Lea Durante, is a Family Nurse Practitioner turned Integrative Health Coach. She wields quick, science-based techniques for potent mental and... more
We’re always wanting to structure our marketing in such a way that it makes business more profitable, rather than just... more
Emily Aborn is a Content Copywriter, Speaker, and Podcast Host of Content with Character and She Built This. Since 2014,... more
Dr Katherine Iscoe is a keynote speaker, author, board member, former CEO of a dual-listed public company, academic mentor and... more
At the start of any new year or quarter, we all love to make a plan or make decisions on... more
At the start of every year, I like to set a bit of a focus. I also do this monthly... more
I'm excited to announce the podcast will be coming to you weekly for 2024! On guest episodes we chat about either... more
Let's review the year that was. I share the highs and lows, and what I changed this year in my... more
Working with people isn’t just about hiring the right person. You still need to manage the project and collaborate to... more
This is part two of a mini series all about hiring for marketing help. If you missed the last episode,... more
You're busy, and in need of a change, but before you jump in with both feet and make a marketing... more
Frankly Write is a copywriting and brand studio for the rebels and the weirdos. I make customers obsess over brands,... more
Founded in June 2009, Shapes & Colors, by Jolinda is a graphic and web design company. For years, Jolinda worked... more
Kathryn McGarvey has more than 20 years’ marketing experience, from marketing for small local businesses, through to the types of... more
Rachel Andersen is a desert dwelling residential and commercial interior designer that collects stories from clients and weaves them into... more
Rosa Sarmento is a quirky latina — born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — who empowers mission-led women... more
Chanel Clark is the Marketing Manager at Arepa, a business created to make brains work better. We chat about her... more
Tasha L. Harrison is a romance author and creator of the #20kin5Days writing challenge and host of the Wordmakers Writing... more
Bec Cuzzillo is a Spiritual Business Coach for spiritual women who want to build abundant, heart-led, sustainable businesses.
Today's guest is Alison Hoenes, a freelance patternmaker working with slow fashion womenswear brands and host of the How Fitting... more
Todays guest is Anna Lee, she runs her business through three key brands, Ms. Anna Lee, Workerby and Ruby3 with... more
In this episode, we chat about rebranding from freelance to a business brand name, how Meg streamlined her services to... more
As we work in a space of so called viral marketing and trends, the route of unique content and new... more
Collaboration in marketing can be great for small businesses. By combining resources and expertise, you can create compelling or educational... more
Reviewing your marketing analytics can sometimes fill you with a sense of dread. Goal setting goes hand in hand with... more
Whenever we see societal shifts, these impact the spaces we market, how we can market to our target audience, and... more
Today's guest is Alison Hoenes, a freelance patternmaker working with slow fashion womenswear brands and host of the How Fitting podcast. I... more