If you’re looking for the strategies and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose, this is the podcast for you! Week after... more
Have you seen these viral reels about a “high value woman?” Friend, that messaging is NOT it. According to the internet,... more
Friend, if you’re out there sharing your wins on social, you’re probably noticing that the internet has gotten meaner over... more
Grab your headphones because this chat is for us - not for the kids! We’ve been chatting about getting pregnant and... more
Friend, I’m here to share the real real on my postpartum journey (so far!) As a mom over 40, my... more
We chatted about Josie’s birth story last week but what about pregnancy? How did it REALLy go at age 40? Friend,... more
Friend, I just gave birth for the first time at age 40 and I’m here with Alex to share all... more
For all the mamas with teenagers, we’ve got our resident on the show today to answer all our questions from... more
When you’re an ambitious woman, it may feel like YOU have to be the one doing all the things, all... more
You’ve probably heard that nothing is new under the sun, and it’s true! But I’ve noticed something that has become... more
Have you considered living outside the US? It feels like wherever we are, that's where we have to stay but... more
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