If you’re looking for the strategies and encouragement to pursue a life of purpose, this is the podcast for you! Week after... more
Have you seen these viral reels about a “high value woman?” Friend, that messaging is NOT it. According to the internet,... more
Friend, if you’re out there sharing your wins on social, you’re probably noticing that the internet has gotten meaner over... more
Grab your headphones because this chat is for us - not for the kids! We’ve been chatting about getting pregnant and... more
Friend, I’m here to share the real real on my postpartum journey (so far!) As a mom over 40, my... more
We chatted about Josie’s birth story last week but what about pregnancy? How did it REALLy go at age 40? Friend,... more
Friend, I just gave birth for the first time at age 40 and I’m here with Alex to share all... more
For all the mamas with teenagers, we’ve got our resident on the show today to answer all our questions from... more
When you’re an ambitious woman, it may feel like YOU have to be the one doing all the things, all... more
You’ve probably heard that nothing is new under the sun, and it’s true! But I’ve noticed something that has become... more
Have you considered living outside the US? It feels like wherever we are, that's where we have to stay but... more
When we see a relationship end, especially one that we thought was great, it’s natural to wonder why? Who or... more
I’m answering all your spicy questions in this Q&A chat! We’re covering everything from what is it like introducing your grown... more
Friend, having a huge team is NOT the flex that you think it is. For those of you who are setting... more
Can we all agree that if you’ve given birth, you can’t be told NOTHING. Is it possible, though, to love... more
Alex is here to help me answer the question of, “What is it like being in an interracial relationship when... more
Friend, Jasmine McCall is here to remind us not to be so busy working on our thing that we miss... more
Y’all know how important exfoliation is to me but it doesn’t end with my skin. As you reflect on this... more
This is one of the tougher chats we’ve had but because I want our time here to be impactful AND... more
In previous chats, we’ve talked about the expectation and pressure that exists to support our parents (especially for those of... more
I wish I could say that this is one of those chats where I have the answers, but the reality... more
Is it a privilege to be able to submit to your partner? At one point I thought submission was the problem,... more
Friend, I was nervous to hit record on this one because I’m telling on myself again. In this chat we... more
Is putting down our businesses the right choice when we’re entering motherhood? You probably heard this too if you’ve been through... more
I’m taking you back to the moment when I realized sex was back on the table after divorce. Friend, we’re keeping... more
Yes, we’re having a baby! We left you with a cliffhanger last week about how we’re pregnant and in this... more
Friend, we owe you some news and that’s exactly what you’re getting this chat! Alex is joining me to get... more
Friend, you NEED to meet Dr. Jessica Taylor. When I first met Dr. Taylor and learned the level of impact... more
Do you have people in your life that don’t seem to share your same energy when you win? You know... more
How do we stay informed on politics and what’s going on in our world while maintaining our peace? In this... more
Friend, A LOT is going on in our world right now and I have to admit that lately I have... more
Friend, you are in for a REAL treat as I have my mom back for another chat but this time... more
This chat is one you won’t want to miss! My guest is probably the most important person I have ever... more
Friends, it turns out that who your partner’s family is is important. Did y’all know this?! This was news to... more
Friend, you know that I’m committed to bringing experts and highly qualified people to chat with us, in inform us,... more
Did you hear about the ninth grader that was the last person in her grade to get a phone? Friend,... more
This whole season we have been talking about surrendering and the peace we can acquire from doing so. In the... more
Years ago I couldn’t imagine living a life that I didn’t need a constant break from. What I thought was... more
Friend, you know I love learning and that personal growth is at the center of our chats here. With that... more
Y’all we need to talk about today’s money. You know the money that just doesn’t seem to last as long... more
One thing we have to get good at is making choices; choices that are in alignment with who we are... more
The baby journey continues and in this chat, Alex and I bring you up to speed on what we’re doing... more
We’re chatting about a hot button topic today but I believe you’ll walk away from this couch chat appreciating how... more
Friend, today we’re shining a spotlight on some unsung heroes - our educators. From late and long hours to supplying our... more
Friend, we are talking about a topic that we haven’t chatted about before on the show. Before we do, we... more
Friends, this doesn’t make sense! In this chat we are talking about something that is becoming normalized in our culture that... more
We are chatting about peace AND profits in this chat with finance expert, Kendra Nicole! Kendra’s whole business is about peace... more
Have you noticed that we somehow forget how to mind our OWN business? In this chat we’re talking through the... more
Y’all middle school is middle schooling this week and I’ve got a story to break down for you. All in... more
He is back! Your favorite therapist and drama expert, Dr. Scott Lyons! Friend, today we’re asking Dr. Scott some hard questions... more
I’ve heard from you that when it comes to sharing your story, fear can pop up because you just aren’t... more
Friend I’m getting remarried this year! Y’all have met the misterfella, Alex, on previous episodes but in this chat I... more
Friend we are in the THICK of the new year and it’s time for a check-in. In this chat I... more
Friend, this is the FIRST chat we ever had about asking for help and it’s an all-time favorite. If you're... more
Friend, this chat is an all-time favorite! Why? Because in this group, we know what it means to show up... more
Are you addicted to drama? Dr. Scott Lyons is the expert on drama addiction and in this chat he’s going... more
Y’all this chat is one for the books! You will not believe the real life pivot Katie Whitlock made from... more
Friend I know that we are similar in that we want to show up and give our all. This mentality,... more
This chat is for all my Fixers. If you find yourself fixing other peoples' problems, lean in friend. The good... more
How can you get more clarity on who you are and how you should show up? If you’ve been around... more
Friend in this chat we’re talking about the American Dream - the American Dream that was dreamt FOR us and... more
Friend there is so much more to share and that’s why I’m excited to close this season of the podcast... more
One question y’all have asked is, “What is it like working with a partner?” and until recently, I was in... more
Friend, I'm so excited to bring you into this chat with Caroline Stanbury. We chat about the truth of how... more
Friend, I’ve got news to share. WE did this and I want to say thank you! I can officially say, my... more
Friend, you may be able to skip church this week because Durana Elmi, co-founder at Cymbiotika, is here preaching! Throughout... more
Les Alfred of the Balanced Black Girl podcast is chatting with us today and I can’t wait for YOU to... more
Friend you’ve heard me say all season long that nothing is missing. This phrase has been incremental to me during... more
We know we need the RIGHT people around us but how you can leverage these relationships to support us in... more
Friend, YOU got to pick the topic of this chat! We’re talking about balance and how to show up when... more
If you’re looking back on a season of change asking, “Did I do that wrong?” you aren’t alone! In this... more
Friend, I've got a big ask for you. If there is one lesson I am learning over and over it... more
Friends I HAD to bring back Dr. Morgan from one of your favorite episodes! In this chat, we talk about... more
We are blessed to have The Puffin back on the podcast! In this chat my daughter, Ally, shares how we... more
Friend, this season of starting over is so similar to gardening and if you’ve been listening for some time, you... more
The Misterfella is here to chat about his take on if you can truly LOVE adopted kids, if he owns... more
Friend, this chat is personal and I get a little fired up about this subject but when it came up... more
Friend, it’s been nearly 10 years since I adopted my girls from a Baltimore city street. Those 10 years have... more
It's rare that we get to see the behind the scenes of someone who is in our homes but that... more
I have learned so much about expectations in my new relationship with The Misterfella. So today he is chatting with... more
Out of the darkest days going through divorce, I’ve had to correct habits that got me to where I was.... more
Friend, you may have found me from one of my viral videos and I’m so glad you did. The videos... more
Friend, this episode is the girl chat that you need today! In this chat we get to sit down with Morgan... more
We chat about how to transform your life and work with the tactical stuff, but I also want to make... more
Friend, I don’t know about you but when it comes to food, I get caught up not because I don’t... more
We have chatted this season about so many of the things I’ve learned through starting over and going through a... more
Friend I am NOT the one waking up at 4 AM to jump into my day. That is not me... more
Y’all this is the wellness chat that you need! In this chat I’m introducing you to Lana Jackson, founder of... more
It was after one of the hardest mornings that I came home to find my new book at my doorstep!... more
Friend now that my book, Nothing is Missing, is out for pre-order, we can finally start talking about the journey... more
Friend, you have seen me in this season of starting over and we’ve chatted about my new relationship, one that... more
Friend, today we’re chatting about a shift I made this morning while laying in bed. The gift of starting over... more
Friends, I’ve said it before and I’m here to say it again, you are deserving of getting paid (and paid... more
Dr. Morgan Anderson is here to share what she believes to be the missing piece to the dating puzzle. Yes... more
I have a chat for you today friend! Successful people don’t wait until the end of the year to evaluate... more
Friend in this chat we’re talking about something I've noticed in conversation around difficult issues, something that is truly getting... more
We’ve got to talk about this friend because it comes up all the time! While we’re at work, at home,... more
Friends he is back! The Misterfella is here to answer all the questions you have for him. From his career... more
Cameron Oaks Rogers gets the mental load we all carry as moms, dads, sisters, daughters, etc. In this episode Cameron... more
Friend when divorce has me feeling like my life has been leveled, I shift my thinking. In this chat, we're... more
In this season of starting over, I’m following a new approach to decision making. And friend, you know how many... more
When you share your life transparently on social media, how do you decide what to share and what NOT to... more
Y'all we get to talk about relationships, hustle culture, and what it's been like growing up as a content creator... more
I can't wait to introduce you to wellness strategist, Lauren Chante, on this episode of The Nicole Walters Podcast. Lauren's... more
Just because it's a new year doesn't mean that everything that existed in 2022 followed us into 2023. This is... more
One thing I've learned to do in all my relationships - at work, with my kids, in my partnerships -... more
Friend, this episode is going to catch you up on all the happenings of the littles and I! In this... more
Friend, it's a new year and we need to have a transformational chat about how we can enter this year,... more
Today I have Ginny Priem here to chat about her story and when I tell you that this story is... more
One thing I hear often is, "Man, Nicole, the way you talk about money is so different." So in this... more
Friend every week we chat about the highs and the lows and what is really going on in our lives.... more
Friend, this chat is going to change your life. We are chatting with my friend and member of my girl... more
Friend this has to be my favorite chat about starting over with Sarah Nicole Landry of The Birds Papaya! Sarah and... more
Friends, you are in for an incredibly special chat today. As you know, I've been in a season of starting... more
One of the things that I'm learning in this starting over process is that healing is not linear. Friend in... more
Friend, today we're talking about celebrating birthdays and holidays when life around you has changed. Everything may be wrong, but... more
Whenever we have a guest on the show you can bet it's someone that is brilliant and has changed my... more
Friend, we've been having conversations in my DMs about starting over and how to position yourself to start over. I... more
Nischelle Turner, co-host of Entertainment Tonight, asked, WORKED, and God answered... with a different but better plan than she imagined. In... more
This is the episode you've been waiting for! Throughout this season I've been sharing and detailing the transitional phase of... more
In sharing the highs and lows with you each week, I've learned how important intention is in how we interact... more
We've talked about imposter syndrome and not feeling worthy but we don't often talk about the opposite. Do you know... more
How am I doing as a mom, partner, and individual? Those are the questions I'm answering on this chat with... more
I didn't know if I would ever be ready to date but after a year of getting things right within... more
This season we've chatted about starting over in a lot of ways but in this episode I'm sharing how I... more
Our guest today is truly remarkable. Jamie Ward's story is not just one of God showing up in a big... more
This season has been about starting over. We've chatted about many of the transitions I'm in and as I continue... more
Our previous chats have shown me that so many of us are going through a season of starting over, transformation,... more
Get ready to hear from one of my talented friends who holds nothing back in sharing his story of the... more
In this chat I am answering the number one question I get from you around finding your purpose, discovering your... more
This season our chats have been full of stories I needed to fill you in on but today you're going... more
We are celebrating something so exciting today, friend! Together we've surpassed 1 MILLION downloads of this podcast! To celebrate I... more
We have the pleasure of hearing from Kalilah Wright, owner of Mess In A Bottle, on this episode of the... more
Friends, get ready for a real conversation with the MidTiny aka Kris on what kids her age are REALLY looking... more
Friend, we are getting in to it in this episode! From moving from survival mode into thriving mode, to discussing... more
In this season of life, I'm learning a new lesson each day. The lesson I have for YOU today is... more
If you've been around here for a bit, you know how passionate I am about doing the work. In this... more
I love doing our normal Q&A + chat or interview but when something significant happens and we need a one-on-one,... more
We're led to believe that the perfect family exists but it doesn't take long to realize family is actually complicated... more
If there is one thing I've noticed in the last few months it's that I'm just not the same me... more
Ya'll we are tackling a topic that we do not talk about enough today and that's letting go of friendships... more
One of the special things about this new season is that I'm going to be sharing more of my favorite... more
We're diving into your voice messages, DMs, and my own story on mental health in this second episode of season... more
Hey friend, welcome to season 3! If you've been here before then you know it's been a minute and man... more
Season 3 of The Nicole Walters Podcast is right around the corner with everything you love about the show PLUS... more
How are you liking these May Moment episodes? This month we are recounting some of your favorite episodes of the... more
Welcome to our second May Moments! I am so excited that so many of you have just discovered the podcast... more
I am so excited that so many of you have just discovered the podcast and because this is a group... more
This keeps coming up. It's everywhere and I had no clue I was doing this differently than most. If you're... more
You know I don't consider myself a parenting expert or a mom of the year, in fact I am just... more
I went on one of my self-care sabbaticals last week and in this episode I'm sharing with what I came... more
Friend, I am freaking out. This week is a big one and I'm asking for your help. This week on... more
Friend, this one isn't just regular story time. This episode is actually driven by you. Yes! You sent me your... more
After I update you on all the things that haven't happened this week, we're chatting about something that I've never... more
I thought we were going to get a break in 2021, am I right? Who would have expected the crazy... more
If you've been following me on social media for any time you know there have been a lot of cameras... more
This one is NOT easy friends. In this episode we're talking about parenting adult children. You've been asking where BigTiny... more
If there is one thing I've learned from living through a pandemic it's that just because it glitters, doesn't mean... more
Friend, how are you? I'm so excited to be back to our regular chats. I want to kick season 2... more
We've collected some wins over the last week and you may start hearing people say, "Is it over yet?" and... more
It takes a lot to for me to be pushed to the place where I want to speak up about... more
I know, it's been awhile since we last spoke and this is quite the time to start our chats back... more
I don't know about you, but I'm over it already! New year, new you, new decade, new vision board, goal... more
I'm having one of those moments where if we had each other's number girl, I would be picking up the... more
I love how we can come here to talk not just business but go deep on our values, things we... more
You've probably heard someone say, "Progress over Perfection" before and man, is that true! It's easy to get stuck in... more
It's been awhile - I know! In this episode, I'm back and ready to catch you up on what's been... more
This chat is a little different than normal because instead of sharing a lesson with you, I'm coming here looking... more
So I've been getting the same question from a lot of you and that question is, "What do you actually... more
We're talking about three incredibly powerful words in this chat! These words are ones that we need to say to... more
This is a weighty topic but one that we need to discuss. Today I need you to ask yourself -... more
If you're following me on instagram or facebook, you know the challenge my family went through this summer. In this... more
This is a short chat on a topic that I know so many of you are struggling with - what... more
I've been getting the same message from a lot of you, a message that we need to talk about. This way... more
Today we're talking about itchy feet. I know that sounds crazy, but this may be just the wake up call... more
What is holding you back from sharing your story? From putting yourself out there? In today's episode we're talking about one... more
Hey friend! Each week I share my truths- the good, the bad, and the ugly so that you can boldly... more
I know we are all BUSY! You and I both have a lot going on, our plates our full! It... more
This episode is so special because it's my first interview and it's not just with anyone, it's with the BigTiny! The... more
It's summer! As exciting as that seems initially, summer as an adult can kind of feel like an involuntary break.... more
How often do you hear someone say, "Just start! Just do it!" when you mention you're thinking of starting something... more
How often are you seeing posts on social media from friends that are sharing just too much? You know what... more
Have you ever been ghosted? When someone just stops responding to you and disappears? Just like how that doesn't solve... more
You've probably been told that if you follow the rules, you'll be able to break through and get ahead. While... more
I never want to come off as having it all together because frankly that just isn't true. Especially when it... more
What if I told you that the thing that you’re working for is smaller than what you deserve? What if... more
I'm sharing something I've never shared before. In this episode, I share the worst day I've had in business. Pull... more
Just scrolling through instagram you'll see countless images that try to convince you that everything has to be perfect before... more
In this chat you might think, "Nope Nicole, this is where you lose me" or you might think, "Nicole, I... more
There's an unfair lie that is going around about living out your dream. This isn't popular to talk about but... more
If you could ask the Walters anything... what would it be? That's exactly what I asked my instagram family the... more
If you're like me, you have a hard time asking for help. And maybe, just maybe, you feel like you're... more
What do you do when you're in a situation where you aren't respected? Where you know someone doesn't want the... more
Scalability is something you should be thinking about when starting a side hustle but you can't automate everything. In this... more
In a sea of same-ness, I want you to be different. I want you to be YOU! In this episode... more
There is a little more to the story I told you last time. If you haven't listened to Episode 6,... more
In the online space we're told to grow our following, increase our reach, and the bigger the better! But I need... more
The story I share in this episode is one I've never told anywhere else. I was NERVOUS to tell it... more
Yep, you read that right, balance is BOGUS! The fact is that even when we try every tactic to balance... more
Unlike Kim Kardashian, you have to show up and work! In this episode, I share a story of how I... more
No one has ever become a millionaire from just existing. In order to make money, to have a business, you... more
If you're like me, you have a hard time asking for help. And maybe, just maybe, you feel like you're better on... more