Join Matt Ferrell from the YouTube Channel, Undecided, and his brother Sean Ferrell as they discuss electric vehicles, renewable energy, smart technologies,... more had the chance to chat with Dr. Chris Case, CTO of Oxford PV, about the future of solar energy... more had an opportunity to talk to the co-founders of Edison Motors, Chace Barber and Eric Little, about how they’re... more had an opportunity to talk to Josh Charles about his new company, Coul St., which is developing an on-street... more and Sean talk about shape-memory alloys and the future possibility of solid state cooling technology. Don’t get bent out... more today’s episode of Still To Be Determined we’re talking about graphene batteries, as well as an interview with Dr.... more had an opportunity to talk to Tom Sahagian about retrofitting apartment buildings in NYC over to heat pumps. This... more and Sean talk about what’s creating a hydrogen boom. Will hydrogen finally find a niche in our renewable energy... more and Sean talk about some new and interesting solar panel technology, and what’s happened to some of the weirder... more and Sean talk about a solar panel technology that may deserve some time in the sun. Does this solar... more and Sean talk about a slow year for wind, and what might be a better future, as well as... more
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