Sounds of SAND is a podcast from Science and Nonduality which contemplates and reveres the beauty, complexity, pain, and great mystery that... more
Dr. Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason-John M.A. (Hon.Doc), is a founding facilitator of Compassionate Inquiry, and is the author of 10 books,... more
Andrew Holecek is a renowned author and humanitarian who teaches internationally on spirituality, meditation, lucid dreaming, and the art of... more
Parvathy Baul is a practitioner, performer and teacher of the Baul tradition from Bengal, India. She studied closely with two of the... more
Gigi Azmy merges 28 years of spiritual insights with scientific psychological research to guide individuals toward a profound realization of... more
In this episode we present excerpts from the recent conversation (June 2024) as part of SAND’s “Conversations on Palestine” around... more
Federico Faggin is one of the greatest luminaries of high technology alive today. A physicist by education, he is the... more
Monica Gagliano is a research associate professor in evolutionary ecology and former fellow of the Australian Research Council. She is... more
In this episode we present excerpts from the recent conversation (June 2024) as part of SAND’s “Conversations on Palestine” around... more
In this episode we present excerpts from the recent conversation (June 2024) between Ashira Darwish & V as part of... more
In this episode we present excerpts from the recent conversation (June 2024) between Dr. Gabor Maté and Tara Brach as... more