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Lost Voices: An Untold Story of the South Asian Diaspora
Lost Voices: An Untold Story of the South Asian Diaspora

Four podcast episodes focusing on ideas around archiving practices used by South Asians to collect, preserve and reconstruct family and community histories.... more

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Your lived experiences matter

Alisha reflects on her investigation into archiving sparked by the Gwillim Archive and draws on her experiences as a journalist... more

29 Nov 2022 · 29 minutes
I am nothing without my oral history

Second-gen Canadians across the South Asian diaspora are documenting our rich histories in innovative and accessible ways, thereby creating digital... more

29 Nov 2022 · 32 minutes
Value can't be accepted at face value

How did The Gwillim Project become a valuable piece of research in the first place? Who decides what archival material... more

29 Nov 2022 · 21 minutes
We're all archivists, if you think about it

How do we, millennials, and the Canadian South Asian diaspora more broadly, archive life online? What would historians say about... more

29 Nov 2022 · 25 minutes
Introducing...Lost Voices: An Untold Story of the South Asian Diaspora

A podcast focusing on ideas around archiving practices used by South Asians to collect, preserve and reconstruct family and community... more

28 Nov 2022 · 1 minute
Lost Voices: An Untold Story of the South Asian Diaspora
Your lived experiences matter
Lost Voices: An Untold Story of the South Asian Diaspora
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