A low key video game podcast by Stephen Hilger and Brendon Bigley. Produced by AJ Fillari.
Check out Celtreos on Steam or iOS!They really nerfed Sephiroth in Minecraft 2: Spelunking to the Zenith of Hope: RiZing... more
So there I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I realize I Norted myself... again!Discussed: Ys:... more
You have to listen to this 3 times to get Brendon, Stephen, and AJ's unique POVs on the episode.Discussed: Histories... more
Zs are so last week.Discussed: Birth by Sleep at the end of the week!, welcome NPC to TWG!, Monster Hunter... more
Into the Aether: When You're Here, You're Probably Listening to Us Talk About the PSP AgainCheck out Trip Sitter's album Then... more
Kratos' axe glows blue because it's filled with Mountain Dew VoltageDiscussed: The PSP 3000, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and... more
You like my UMD cellar? Thank you. This whole wall is just season 1 of Scrubs.Discussed: How Meta Killed Ready... more
Honestly no joke I write here would be funnier than the end of this episode.Discussed: Trust falls, Twilight, Kingdom Hearts... more
In this episode, the King of All Cosmos trades in katamaris for catalytic converters!Discussed: GOTY 2017 is out on the... more
Get excited! The PSP season premiere i-EEHNH [INFRACTION NOTICE: You are not entitled to more than 2.76 seconds of excitement... more
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