Podcastificating the world, one listener at a time.A fun look at podcasting, its challenges and triumphs, and the tech, tips & tricks,... more
Remote recording for interviews and the like has always been a bit tricky and the platforms that provide recording of... more
I have LONG wanted a Podcast Newsletter that provides content for me — an INDEPENDENT PODCASTER.I mean, it's OK to... more
Daniel J. Lewis has been building authority in the podcasting space since 2010.That’s when the very first episode of his... more
How successful can a niche podcast be?The answer likely depends on the niche. For example, back on episode 154 of... more
Do you EVER have issues coming up with new topics to cover on your podcast?If not, it’s only a matter... more
Every podcaster is looking for ways to grow her audience. Why? Hopefully, it's for reasons bigger than our own ego... more
For the first time ever, podcast show notes display almost the SAME in all podcasting apps (thanks Apple).That brings up... more
If you feel you don't know enough about the topics you want to podcast about, you are in good companyMaria... more
Subscribe Is Gone (on Apple only, so far)Podcast tech is changing all the time, so we shouldn't be surprised when... more
Glenn Hebert... is one of those guys who saw the value and power of podcasting early on. His "Horse Radio... more
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