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Truth For Life Daily Program
Truth For Life Daily Program
letters@truthforlife.org (Alistair Begg)

Truth For Life is the Bible-teaching ministry of Alistair Begg. The ministry's mission is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance... more

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Amazing Grace

Do you ever feel like giving up—like it’s just too hard to live a godly life in an ever-changing world?... more

16 Sep 2024 ·
“I Will Instruct You” (Part 1 of 2)

After King David confessed his sin to God, he was relieved, not only about his past but also about his... more

14 Sep 2024 ·

Have you ever encountered someone so passionate they practically accost you with God’s Word? This harsh approach isn’t biblical! Instead,... more

13 Sep 2024 ·
“Keep Yourselves”

Jude urged his readers to “contend for the faith” and to “keep themselves” in the love of God. So how... more

12 Sep 2024 ·
“You Must Remember”

“Did God really say that?” This sly insinuation—first spoken by the serpent in the garden of Eden—continues to cast doubt... more

11 Sep 2024 ·
The Great Day

False teachers might suggest they know an easier, freer, more fun way to get to heaven. But the Bible makes... more

10 Sep 2024 ·
Lessons from the Past (Part 2 of 2)

In his letter, Jude described false teachers as masters of disguise who may present well enough but are actually dangerous... more

09 Sep 2024 ·
My Hiding Place (Part 3 of 3)

The more King David tried to cover up his sin with Bathsheba, the more burdened he was by the weight... more

07 Sep 2024 ·
Lessons from the Past (Part 1 of 2)

False teachers may appear pleasant and likable, but they can be extremely dangerous and even destroy a church! Hear about... more

06 Sep 2024 ·
Who Are “These People”?

Game shows signal an incorrect answer with a red X or buzzer. Wouldn’t it be helpful if similar warnings occurred... more

05 Sep 2024 ·
Truth For Life Daily Program
Amazing Grace
Truth For Life Daily Program
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