A music show that has nothing to do with Jesus. Peter and SarahKat podcast their mix of music and madness from... more
Way back in September, we said we'd be back soon. Well, so much for that. SarahKat's been really... more
Season 2 is coming... That's right, we've declared podbankruptcy (or maybe just retroactive summer vacation). Season 2 of Jesus on... more
You know, when libsyn.com doesn't even autocomplete in your address bar anymore, you know it's been a while since your... more
A special surprise mini-podcast from deep in the woods of Western Massachussets! I'm all by my irrationally-afraid-of-serial-killers-getting-me-in-the-night lonesome in Amherst,... more
Yup, more silence over here, I'm afraid. That's what moving will do to you. I'm not moving this... more
My kingdom for GarageBand! I can't stand working in Audacity any longer. It's too slow, too clunky, too... more
Whoa! It's someone OTHER than Peter writing on the good ol' JOTR site! And...it's me! Because no one else would... more
We did it! A brand new show from our new studios. SK can record on her computer, so... more
A spot of bad luck. My hard drive is down. Something about the directory being messed up. ... more
This week (who are we kidding) on Jesus on the Radio: a flashback. SK's still not around, so Peter... more
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