Providing sound Bible teaching through the ministry of David Legge, an evangelist, preacher and Bible teacher from Northern Ireland. Watch or listen... more
In this story from John 5:1-17 of the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus is recorded... more
Jesus is our unchanging Lord in a world where change is the norm. Even the godliest leaders pass away but... more
God has always wanted to dwell with humanity; but He wants a conversational relationship with us. Essentially, we're all looking... more
In Luke 24:36-43, after His resurrection, Jesus wanted to demonstrate His presence to His followers. He desired to help them... more
What could a New Ireland look like through 'Kingdom eyes'? So many have political visions of 'A New Ireland', but... more
Isaiah 9 is a scripture often read at Christmas time. To a land distressed and under the shadow of death's... more
Generally, in the western world, we value the physical realm and ignore the spiritual. But whilst the Bible calls us... more
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-20, Paul gives a list of the sinful lifestyles that will not inherit 'God's Holy Kingdom' -... more
This prayer that Jesus taught His disciples in Luke 11:1-4 also teaches us how to be 'kingdom people'. This prayer... more
This well known gospel story in Luke 17:11-19 brings many 'Lessons From Lepers' on how we can know God's healing... more
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