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Wil Wil

搵食譜,Dining Train Recipes 教你做出各國色、香、味,Cantonese Only

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Shanghai Cuisine上海菜式

Hot & Sour Soup and Shanghai Veggie Rice 酸辣湯和上海菜飯 酸辣湯材料(Hot and Sour Soup ingredients): 豬肉絲Pork Juliene 豬紅Pork Blood Clot 豆腐Bean... more

23 Feb 2007 ·

各位好朋友,同學仔,聽眾和瀏覽者:旁邊有一個即時錄音留言,可與本人聯絡,我亦會用錄音回覆。亦可在文章中留意見。更可send e-mail 給我,你們可 mail to:fameuschef@gmail.com 謝謝支持!!!Wilson

08 Sep 2006 ·
Mexico Spicy Chicken Roll

Ingredients 材料: Boneless Chicken Leg 去骨雞脾肉 Sliced Cheddar Cheese 車打芝士片 Red Bell Pepper Julienne 紅甜椒切條 Yellow Pepper Julienne黃甜椒切條 Jalapeno Pepper... more

07 Sep 2006 ·
Southeast Asia Lamb Loin Salad

ingredients: 羊柳Lamb Loin 6-8oz 紅,黃甜椒Red and Yellow Bell Pepper 小黃瓜Cucumber 紅蘿蔔Carrot 白菌Mushroom 洋䓤Whit Onion 櫻桃茄Cherry Tomato 紅辣椒Chili Pepper Dressing: 蘿勒Basil... more

19 Aug 2006 ·
Recipes 31 Onion Soup洋䓤湯

Onion Soup 材料 (ingredients): Onion 2 pcs Sliced 洋蔥兩個切絲 Thyme Herb 百里香 Gruyere Cheese Beef Broth 500ml 牛清湯五百毫升

08 Aug 2006 ·
King Prawn and Grapefruit salad 柚子大蝦沙律

King Prawn and Grapefruit salad 柚子大蝦沙律 材料(ingredients): 大海蝦六隻 King Prawn 6 pcs 美國柚子一個 Grapefruit 1 pc 沙拉菜 Green Salad 鹽和糊椒調味... more

14 Jul 2006 ·
Seared Tuna Salad with Salsa Verde

Seared Tuna Salad 材料(ingredients): Fresh Tuna 6oz 新鮮鮪魚 Cut Tuna in Cube and put salt and Dash of Lemon Juice,... more

01 Jul 2006 ·
花雕醉雞翼 Cool Chicken Wing with Shaoxing Wine

材料(ingredints): 雞翼七至九隻 Chicken Wing 7 to 9 pcs 醃料(Marinated Sauce): 花雕酒半杯 Shaoxing Dark Rice Wine Half Cup, 米酒三湯匙 Chinese Clear... more

16 Jun 2006 ·
Thai Green Curry Chicken with Udon

Wilson 再戰綠咖哩雞,今次配烏冬,並且有 Video 睇 材料(ingredients) : 雞腿一隻(Chicken Leg 1 pc),泰國小白茄子兩個(Thai Eggplant 2 pcs),草菇四粒(Straw Mushroom 4 pcs),紅小辣椒五條(Red Chili Pepper 5 pcs),泰國綠小辣椒三條(Thai... more

13 Jun 2006 ·
Thai Spicy & Sour Coconut Chicken Soup

Thai Spicy & Sour Coconut Chicken Soup 材料(ingredients): 雞髀肉一隻( Chicken Leg 1 pc),香茅一支(Lemongrass 1 pc),鮮榨青檸汁三個約五十毫升(Fresh Lime Juice 50ml),南薑五十克(Thai Ginger 50g),檸檬葉兩片(Lemon... more

30 May 2006 ·
Shanghai Cuisine上海菜式
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