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Sermons from First Pres
Sermons from First Pres
First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor

Join us each week for excerpts from our worship services, featuring scriptures, sermons, and prayers from the First Presbyterian Church of Ann... more

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2020-07-05 Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding

Sermon: "Our Daily Bread" by Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding (Deuteronomy 30:11–20, Matthew 26:17–30)

05 Jul 2020 · 23 minutes

Sermon by Rev. Jay Sanderford (Psalm 141, Ezekiel 11:14–21)

28 Jun 2020 · 25 minutes
2020-06-21 Rev. Mark Mares

Sermon: "Imagining the Unimaginable" by Rev. Mark Mares; Psalm 126, Isaiah 43:16–21

21 Jun 2020 · 22 minutes
2020-06-14 Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding

Sermon: "Already Knowing What It Looks Like" by Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding; Jeremiah 31:31–34, John 13:1–15, 34–38

14 Jun 2020 · 28 minutes
2020-06-07 Rev. Khayla Johnson

Sermon by Rev. Khayla Johnson; Psalm 119:105–112, Lamentations 3:19–26

07 Jun 2020 · 17 minutes
2020-05-31 Rev. Jim Antal

Sermon: "Time to Write a New Story" by Rev. Jim Antal; Acts 2:1–21, Philippians 2:1–8

31 May 2020 · 27 minutes
2020-05-24 Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding

Sermon: "Water-marked" by Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding; Isaiah 55:1–9, Acts 8:26–39

24 May 2020 · 28 minutes
2020-05-17 Rev. Brennan Blue

Sermon: "Gaining (dis)Traction" by Rev. Brennan Blue (Psalm 8, Luke 10:25–37)

17 May 2020 · 25 minutes
2020-05-10 Rev. Amy Ruhf

Sermon: "Unity Flourishing" by Rev. Amy Ruhf; Psalm 104:13–34; Ephesians 4:1–16 (selected verses)

10 May 2020 · 24 minutes
2020-05-03 Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding

Sermon: "Air-born" by Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding, Genesis 1:20–25, 30-31; Luke 12:1–3, 8–12

03 May 2020 · 23 minutes
Sermons from First Pres
2020-07-05 Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding
Sermons from First Pres
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