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A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor
A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor
Natalia Worthington

Learn Russian language from a Russian online tutor at your own pace. Natalia teaches via Skype and other video chat services. Russian... more

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No more updates, but the site will still exist

This blog has been in a vegetative state hooked up to life support for a looooooong time. I do not... more

08 Nov 2017 ·
My YouTube Channel Has Been Re-Enabled!

Finally! Thanks to the Big G tech support we were able to sort out the problem. Now I will be... more

07 Apr 2016 ·
Unable to log in to my YouTube to upload or approve comments

Not sure what happened exactly, but I am unable to log in to my own YouTube account in order to... more

04 Nov 2015 ·
a Spoonful of Russian 032

Today I fill a request of one of my Podcast listeners/ YouTube subscribers by reciting a short poem written by... more

14 Nov 2014 ·
Enjoy your Spoonfuls?

Enjoying the podcast? Got a minute? Please, add your iTunes review for my podcast. It is currently buried underneath 40 or... more

24 Oct 2014 ·
a Spoonful of Russian 031

The video that goes with this episode can be found on my YouTube channel: Episode 031 Toasting is a huge... more

20 Oct 2014 ·
a Spoonful of Russian 030

The video that goes with this episode can be found on my YouTube channel: Episode 030 Asking questions in Russian... more

15 Oct 2014 ·
a Spoonful of Russian 029

Ever wanted to pronounce the days of the week in Russian like a native? Piece of cake!

04 Sep 2014 ·
a Spoonful of Russian 028

Today’s spoonful is going to consist of a useful Russian phrase and a poem in Russian. Don’t worry if you... more

31 Jul 2014 ·
Russian Vocabulary: Family (Семья)

Ever wanted to know how to call your family members in Russian? I don't mean nicknames:) I mean official titles.... more

13 May 2014 ·
A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor
No more updates, but the site will still exist
A Spoonful of Russian - Learn Russian Online from Russian Tutor
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