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Jack Clark

Politics, bare-knuckles style. I use facts and logic to kick right wing butt! Subjects include: U.S. opposition to democracy around the world,... more

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Live Tweeting the Debate Tonight!

Greetings, Long time no talk. Hope you and yours are well! I don't yet have enough time to do the... more

03 Oct 2012 ·
Rebroadcast of 32 - Listen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Speak To Us About the War on Terrorism

Again, thanks for all your expressions of concern and good wishes. Blast The Right has been on an extended break... more

18 Jan 2011 ·
Rebroadcast of 163 - Deficits & Debt: Right-Wing Spends Wildly And Slashes Taxes (For The Rich), Then Screams We Can't Afford A Social Safety Net

Long time no talk. Thanks for all your expressions of concern and good wishes. Blast The Right has been on... more

22 Oct 2010 ·
168 - Busting More Right-Wing Lies About The Arizona Immigration Statute / The Struggle Continues For Economic Justice

Today, more on the Arizona immigration law and efforts to fight this latest right-wing outrage. Plus, progressive efforts to achieve... more

11 Jun 2010 ·
167 - They're Still At It: Arizona Immigration Law Is Part Of A Decades-Old Right-Wing Campaign To Attack Minorities For Political Gain

Today, we'll take a look at the Arizona "your papers please" statute, with a large emphasis on the historical context... more

21 May 2010 ·
166 - Right-Wing Ramps Up Its Efforts To Protect The Vulnerable, On-The-Edge-Of-Collapse Wealthy From The All-Powerful Progressives Out To Get Them

Today, an examination of a phenomenon that's recently come out into the open: the right-wing's worship, and hard-line defense of,... more

23 Apr 2010 ·
165 - Health Care Vote Post-Game Show: The Right-Wing Is Down, But Not Out (And Lying Even More Than Usual, If That's Possible)

Today, we'll dissect the right-wing's still-continuing lies and hypocrisy about the recently passed health care legislation. This will lead us... more

02 Apr 2010 ·
164 - Full Clip: Bullet Points For Stimulus & Health Care Water Cooler Wars / Global Economic Justice Advances: Martin Luther King Would Be Pleased

Today, a varied show.To start off with, multiple QuickBlasts to give you ammo in the water cooler wars over the... more

12 Mar 2010 ·
163 - Budget Deficits & The National Debt: Right-Wingers Spend Wildly And Slash Taxes (For The Rich), Then Scream We Can't Afford A Social Safety Net

Today, a subject that initially appears not that sexy. I'm talking about budget deficits and the national debt.But -- you'll... more

19 Feb 2010 ·
162 - No Amount Of Earthquake Relief Can Cleanse Us: The U.S. Is Up To Its Eyeballs In Haitian Blood

Today, a look at how Haiti has been battered from pillar to post by the West. How right-wing policies have... more

29 Jan 2010 ·
Live Tweeting the Debate Tonight!
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