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Knightwise.com The cross platform podcast with hacks tips and tweaks for geeks. The cross platform podcast that makes technology work for... more

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KW1802 – Intentional Email

This week KD and Knightwise dive into the maddeningly useful and seemingly universal digital communications technology: email. LINKS DISCORD The... more

19 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 20 minutes
KW1801 – Choosing Your Path in the Jungle

Knightwise is joined this week by KD to discuss the general ideas around how we can approach technology with a... more

12 Jul 2024 · 51 minutes
KW1702 – What’s in My Bag Now?

In a refresh of an episode last released in 2018, this is the updated for the 2020s edition of KW’s... more

10 Apr 2023 · 34 minutes
KW1701 – Morning Geekspresso Episode 1

Back for the first episode of 2023, Knightwise is joined by a couple of guest hosts this week to talk... more

28 Mar 2023 · 1 hour, 15 minutes
KW1608 – Tunneling with Tailscale

After a summer hiatus Knightwise is back with a bit of a deep dive into creating your own interconnected network... more

23 Oct 2022 · 30 minutes
KW1607 – Conquering the Command Line

A quick mini-podcast this week inspired by the Knightwise.com community and a discussion over on the Discord. LINKS Wijngaardbos Henis... more

22 Mar 2022 · 40 minutes
KW1606 – Storytime: Joplin Edition

A quick mini-podcast this week inspired by the Knightwise.com community and a discussion over on the Discord. LINKS Joplin DISCORD... more

11 Aug 2021 · 11 minutes
KW1605 – Data and the Erosion of Privacy

On this week’s walk Knightwise presents some food for thought about how we manage our private information online, and how... more

14 Jul 2021 · 48 minutes
KW1604 – Linux for a Living

For two decades the era of “Linux on the Desktop” has been just around the corner. This week Knightwise takes... more

02 Jun 2021 · 38 minutes
KW1603 – We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Transmitters

Podcasting has always been a way for those who don’t otherwise have a platform, to get out and share what’s... more

15 May 2021 · 41 minutes
Knightwise.com Mediafeed
KW1802 – Intentional Email
Knightwise.com Mediafeed
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