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"My Sister Called",  ----- a weekly radio show designed to engage, empower, and energize
"My Sister Called", ----- a weekly radio show designed to engage, empower, and energize
Fredette West

Welcome to “My Sister Called”-- blogging the way to better health and stronger communities. To do this, requires... more

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Still Sitting on the Fence #GetCovered Conversation with Dr. Joycelyn Elders  at http://youtu.be/r_39TU_furc My Sister called to say that there is this #Get... more

13 Feb 2015 ·
Affordable Care Act Law Victory

Supreme Court rules in favor of the Affordable Care Act Law Read the Supreme Court's decision here

29 Jun 2012 ·
"My Sister Called",  ----- a weekly radio show designed to engage, empower, and energize
"My Sister Called", ----- a weekly radio show designed to engage, empower, and energize
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