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The Overwhelmed Brain
The Overwhelmed Brain
Paul Colaianni

Get to the root of emotional issues and learn the best way to relate to yourself and others by honoring your personal... more

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When people treat you as you were, not as you are

Learning and growing is a natural part of life. Some people embrace those changes in you, but what about those... more

13 Oct 2024 · 36 minutes
When you love someone so much it doesn't matter how much they hurt you

Can love keep the relationship together and override all? A loving person can also hurt you. But is love alone... more

06 Oct 2024 · 34 minutes
Can we get past the issues that divide us

If you find yourself frustrated by divisive political or values conversations, this episode might be for you. Is there a... more

29 Sep 2024 · 42 minutes
Dealing with hurtful people who won't change

Have you ever wondered why some people just won’t change no matter how much you try? Don't they see that... more

22 Sep 2024 · 47 minutes
I didn't ask to be born and I don't want to be here

If you find yourself questioning the value of your existence or struggling with deep-seated negativity, this episode addresses those heavy,... more

15 Sep 2024 · 48 minutes
The people who don't grow may never accept your growth

When certain people in your life prefer the old you instead of the new one, you may face their resistance... more

08 Sep 2024 · 42 minutes
Can an unempathetic person develop empathy?

Relationships require empathy. Without it, you will have an imbalance that will not only feel lonely, but also emotionally toxic.

01 Sep 2024 · 49 minutes
Obsession and regret - when you just can't stop thinking about what happened

Why do obsessive thoughts take over our minds? What keeps them there? And why can't we stop them after they... more

25 Aug 2024 · 49 minutes
The part of you that you don't want others to see

Do you ever wonder why it’s so hard to show your true self to others? I explore how hiding parts... more

18 Aug 2024 · 46 minutes
Moving out of a full life of toxic family

Leaving a toxic upbringing and the dysfunctional family home can bring about anxiety, fear, and even loneliness. Trauma bonding is... more

11 Aug 2024 · 43 minutes
The Overwhelmed Brain
When people treat you as you were, not as you are
The Overwhelmed Brain