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Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
Legal Talk Network

The premier provider of podcasts for attorneys and legal professionals. Over 15 shows on varied topics highlight important issues, current events, technology... more

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LEXSummit 2024: Jordan Berman of Unbiased Podcast

Laurence Colletti welcomes Jordan Berman to discuss her path from attorney to podcaster. Jordan’s interest in both current events and... more

16 Sep 2024 · 14 minutes
Using Music in Political Campaigns: Misuse, Copyright Infringement, & Litigation

Over the years, the power of music has been an integral piece in energizing a crowd, whether through a specific... more

13 Sep 2024 · 38 minutes
LEXSummit 2024: KPIs, Industry Trends, and Takeaways with Ryan Anderson

In the past year, AI propelled change in almost every corner of the legal tech industry, but has it proven... more

13 Sep 2024 · 18 minutes
LEXSummit 2024: How to Sell Your Law Firm to Private Equity

The buying and selling of a law firm is a complicated transaction, and changes in certain areas of the legal... more

12 Sep 2024 · 21 minutes
The Luis Vargas Story: Misidentified as the “Teardrop Rapist”

Luis Vargas was wrongfully convicted after three separate witnesses misidentified him as the “Teardrop Rapist.” Sixteen years later, DNA linked... more

12 Sep 2024 · 32 minutes
#522: The EOS Secret to Mastering Law Firm Challenges, with Mike Paton

In this episode of Lawyerist Podcast, Stephanie dives into "The EOS Secret to Mastering Law Firm Challenges," featuring insights from... more

12 Sep 2024 · 53 minutes
LEXSummit 2024: Profit-ology and the Art of Forecasting

Predicting your law firm's revenue each month is tricky business for many attorneys, but it can be done with an... more

11 Sep 2024 · 13 minutes
What is up with these federal judges?

This week's episode of Thinking Like A Lawyer is all about the wild decisions made by federal judges. First up... more

11 Sep 2024 · 34 minutes
EP 818- Opposing Counsel Conditioning

Opposing counsel is telling you all the problems with your case for the 800th time. When he starts up again... more

11 Sep 2024 · 32 minutes
Local SEO 2024: How to Rank AND Expand Your Law Firm

“Rank Number One!”—an all too easy promise made by SEO agencies, but probably only deliverable while they’re standing in your... more

11 Sep 2024 · 41 minutes
Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
LEXSummit 2024: Jordan Berman of Unbiased Podcast
Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
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