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Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
Legal Talk Network

The premier provider of podcasts for attorneys and legal professionals. Over 15 shows on varied topics highlight important issues, current events, technology... more

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Fresh Voices on Legal Tech with Amy Conroy

Amy Conroy has found that communicating the “why” behind data science is critical to helping lawyers understand and appreciate what... more

06 Sep 2024 · 46 minutes
#521: Avoid These Legal Pitfalls: Essential Lawyer Protections, with Jonathan Hawkins

In this episode of the Lawyerist Podcast, Stephanie Everett and Law Firm GC founder Jonathan Hawkins dive into essential lawyer... more

05 Sep 2024 · 34 minutes
What Really Happens After a Trial: Taking A Closer Look at Post-Conviction Law with Professor Lee Kovarsky

There is no way to truly prepare a client for life following a criminal conviction, and the aftermath of a... more

05 Sep 2024 · 29 minutes
Perfect Albums, Vol 6; Straightforward Marketing for Your Law Firm; & “Don’t Sweat It!”

If you’re not marketing your law firm well, you’re sitting on a whole lot of untapped potential for income and... more

05 Sep 2024 · 47 minutes
EP 516- The Law Clerk Experience Part Three

School, clerkship, family and friends all demand your time and attention in law school. How can you create a successful balance... more

04 Sep 2024 · 21 minutes
Does Our Current Constitution Provide the Protections and Rights We Need? with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky

Berkeley Law Dean, author of No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States asks the provocative question... more

03 Sep 2024 · 36 minutes
THE FTC, Noncompete Ban, and the Recent Ruling

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule to “ promote competition by banning noncompete agreements... more

30 Aug 2024 · 36 minutes
50 Years In Workers’ Comp: Alan Pierce’s Observations and Reflections

In this special episode, co-host Alan Pierce shares his thoughts on an auspicious occasion, celebrating his 50th year practicing Workers’... more

30 Aug 2024 · 35 minutes
#520: The Truth About Lawyer Self-Care: Prioritize or Suffer

In this episode of Lawyerist Podcast, explore the critical truth about lawyer self-care with Zack and Leticia DeSuze. Discover how... more

29 Aug 2024 · 36 minutes
Eyewitness Misidentifications

In the first 325 DNA exonerations, false identification accounted for 72% of the wrongful convictions. But how is that possible?... more

29 Aug 2024 · 39 minutes
Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics
Fresh Voices on Legal Tech with Amy Conroy
Legal Talk Network - Law News and Legal Topics