Intelligence Squared is the home of lively debate and deep-dive discussion. Follow Intelligence Squared wherever you get your podcasts and enjoy four... more
To celebrate 2024, we’re taking a look backwards, and diving into the standout thinkers who have taken to the Intelligence... more
To celebrate 2024, we’re taking a look backwards, and diving into the standout thinkers who have taken to the Intelligence... more
To celebrate 2024, we’re taking a look backwards, and diving into the standout thinkers who have taken to the Intelligence... more
To celebrate 2024, we’re taking a look backwards, and diving into the standout thinkers who have taken to the Intelligence... more
To celebrate 2024, we’re taking a look backwards, and diving into the standout thinkers who have taken to the Intelligence... more
To celebrate 2024, we’re taking a look backwards, and diving into the standout thinkers who have taken to the Intelligence... more
Many liberals believe that in recent years we have seen an erosion of the right to air unpopular opinions without... more
This event was supported by Guinness Global Investors. For the final instalment of the Intelligence Squared Economic Outlook series for... more
This event was supported by Guinness Global Investors. For the final instalment of the Intelligence Squared Economic Outlook series for... more
David Baddiel has been on our screens for over 35 years. The creator of The Mary Whitehouse Experience and one half... more
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