Intelligence Squared is the home of lively debate and deep-dive discussion. Follow Intelligence Squared wherever you get your podcasts and enjoy four... more
Academic, author, broadcaster and ordained deacon Diarmaid MacCulloch is Emeritus Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University,... more
This discussion is a dip back into the extensive Intelligence Squared archive, first aired in early 2022. 'Sprakkar' is an... more
Paul Johnson is the economist who has set the terms of so much political debate over the past few decades in... more
Paul Johnson is the economist who has set the terms of so much political debate over the past few decades in... more
This is the second instalment of a three-part discussion. Philippa Gregory and Tracy Chevalier have defined the genre of historical... more
This is the first instalment of a three-part discussion. Philippa Gregory and Tracy Chevalier have defined the genre of historical... more
For this episode we're joined by Eliza Filby, an academic, writer and public speaker specialising in contemporary values and most... more
This is the second instalment of a three-part episode. How many women artists do you know? Despite the work of... more
This is the first instalment of a three-part episode. How many women artists do you know? Despite the work of... more
Hanno Sauer is a philosopher not shying away from the big questions. His recent book is The Invention of Good and... more