Join Dr. Sydnee McElroy and her husband Justin McElroy for a tour of all the dumb, bad, gross, weird and wrong ways... more
Kleptomania is defined by an undeniable compulsion to steal, so it has wavered between legitimate diagnosis and flimsy criminal defense... more
The recent semi-fictionalized Netflix series Apple Cider Vinegar explores the world of wellness following bloggers Belle Gibson and Milla Blake.... more
"It's been bitterly cold in our region lately and that's got Dr. Sydnee thinking about frostbite. This week, we'll gain... more
There has been a lot going on in the United States in the last few days that might affect what's... more
Depending on where you live, you might be hearing a lot lately about Pertussis or Whooping Cough, even in Dr.... more
Imagine if your doctor could go on strike in the middle of a treatment. That’s the most popular argument against... more
It's a real medical (with a lower-case m) mystery, as Dr. Sydnee tries to find the source of a trick... more
Dr. Sydnee and Justin are easing back into the swing of things after the holidays by discussing what they’ve been... more
Happy Candlenights! We've got for you a double-feature of the original A Medicine Called Christmas 1 and 2. Medicine Called Christmas:... more
As a gift to the audience, we have another Sawbones Q and A, answering strange questions submitted by listeners! How... more
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