The Good Friends of Jackson Elias
We’re back and we’re raising the dead. Well, sort of. After all that discussion about Joseph Curwen’s necromantic exploits, we... more
We’re back and we’re peering through time. Handily, Yog-Sothoth has granted us the power to see he who is to... more
We’re back and we’re peering into wells. Perhaps it’s not unusual to find dead things in wells, but they aren’t... more
We’re back and we’re rearranging the furniture in the library. All perfectly normal stuff. Nothing to worry about. Everyone gives... more
We’re back and we’re researching our family histories. Nothing but wholesome stuff here. Surely everyone’s ancestors faced an angry mob... more
We’re back and we’re digging through our family tree. Or should that be digging up our family tree? Either way,... more
We’re back and we’re summoning horrors from beyond space and time. If we’re honest, we’re not quite sure why we’re... more
We’re back and we’re being suggestive. Or is that suggestible? Why don’t you tell us! Main Topic: Listener Suggestions Meets the... more
We’re back with the conclusion of our interview with Jason Cordova, the mastermind behind The Gauntlet and creator of such... more
We’re back and we’re catching up with our sleep. You think we’d be trying harder to escape, given that we’ve... more
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