Paperkeg is the way comics were meant to be read – by hearing about them. More or less retired.
It’s all been leading to this: for Titus. If Paperkeg has meant anything to you over the years, or even recent... more
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing Michel Fiffe's Copra: Round One.
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing Gambit (1993).
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing Wolverine/Gambit: Victims.
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing the original Captain America.
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing Avengers: Endgame.
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing, for a third time, Cocktail.
It’s all been leading to this: reviewing Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
It’s all been leading to this: hiding in a hotel room from our loved ones. [EXPLICIT]
One Night Only. [EXPLICIT]
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