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JAMA Author Interviews
JAMA Author Interviews
JAMA Network

Interviews with leading researchers and thinkers in health care about practice-changing research, innovations, and the most pressing issues facing medicine and health... more

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The Discovery of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1)

The 2024 Lasker–DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award has been presented for the discovery of GLP-1 and its application to the... more

19 Sep 2024 · 11 minutes
Improving Access to Palliative Care for Patients With Cancer

Palliative care is an essential component to high-quality care for patients with cancer. How can access to palliative care be... more

11 Sep 2024 · 11 minutes
Balloon Angioplasty for Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis

A new trial assessed whether balloon angioplasty plus aggressive medical management was superior to aggressive medical management alone for patients... more

05 Sep 2024 · 14 minutes
Concerning Mortality Rate Trends in the US

The abating COVID-19 pandemic brings attention to rising mortality rates from non-COVID causes in the US, a trend that predates... more

29 Aug 2024 · 10 minutes
Menopause-Associated Vasomotor Symptom Treatment With Elinzanetant

Nonhormonal treatments for menopausal vasomotor symptoms may benefit symptomatic patients who cannot take or prefer to avoid systemic hormones. Author... more

22 Aug 2024 · 11 minutes
Long COVID in Children

To address the need to characterize long COVID in children and adolescents, the National Institutes of Health funded a pediatric... more

21 Aug 2024 · 11 minutes
Uterus Transplant: Innovation and Considerations

A new study looks at uterus transplant to determine if it is safe, feasible, and results in births of healthy... more

15 Aug 2024 · 8 minutes
A Vaping Cessation Text Message Program for Adolescents

Ten percent of US adolescents use e-cigarettes, and many want to quit. However, evidence on the effectiveness of vaping cessation... more

07 Aug 2024 · 11 minutes
Diagnostic Accuracy of an Integrated AI Ultrasound Tool for Gestational Age Estimation

Gestational age estimation is foundational for obstetric care. In resource-limited settings, an integrated AI tool allows novice users to improve... more

01 Aug 2024 · 9 minutes
Alzheimer Disease Blood Biomarkers

Biomarkers for Alzheimer disease (AD) provide insight into disease processes and may aid clinical diagnosis for individuals with cognitive impairment.... more

28 Jul 2024 · 15 minutes
JAMA Author Interviews
The Discovery of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1)
JAMA Author Interviews
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