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Witness History
Witness History
BBC World Service

History as told by the people who were there.

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Dyke and Dryden: Cosmetic kings

In 1969, a new sound began to dominate the airwaves in the UK, reggae.This was terrible news for two Jamaican... more

17 Oct 2024 · 9 minutes
Fleeing Afghanistan alone as a child

In 1999, Waheed Arian left his family in Afghanistan to seek refuge in the UK. He was just 15.He was... more

16 Oct 2024 · 9 minutes
The Rose Revolution in Georgia

In November 2003, the people of Georgia ousted veteran president Eduard Shevardnadze. Protestors stormed the parliament building in the capital... more

15 Oct 2024 · 10 minutes
The Sunflower Movement

Between 18 March and 10 April 2014, more than 500,000 people in Taipei, Taiwan, protested against a new trade deal... more

14 Oct 2024 · 9 minutes
'Robocops’ in the Democratic Republic of Congo

After the death of her brother, engineer Thérèse Izay Kirongozi got to work handmaking huge robots to direct traffic and... more

11 Oct 2024 · 10 minutes
How the QR code was invented

In 1994, bar codes were in widespread use in businesses around the world, but the Japanese car component company, Denso... more

10 Oct 2024 · 10 minutes
The world's first general purpose electronic computer

In 1946, one of the world’s first electronic computers was unveiled in Philadelphia, in the USA. It was called the... more

09 Oct 2024 · 9 minutes
WABOT-1: The first humanoid robot

Scientists at Waseda University in Japan built the world's first humanoid robot in 1973. They called it the 'WABOT', the... more

08 Oct 2024 · 9 minutes
Eliza: When chatbots started

Eliza is the name of a 1966 invention by German born scientist, Joseph Weizenbaum, that is said to be the... more

07 Oct 2024 · 10 minutes
The longest plane hijacking in Latin America

In 1973, two men pretending to be Colombian guerrillas took a plane and flew across Latin America for 60 hours.... more

04 Oct 2024 · 9 minutes
Witness History
Dyke and Dryden: Cosmetic kings
Witness History
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