Kelly Outdoors Radio was started a few years back, Partly because I wanted to reach out to folks in a cost... more
The tiur udates
Join Sean Mann and myself tonight, We will be discussing his new line of calls for this next season, Doing... more
Tonight's show will have a very special guest that in these times will be a valuable asset to every one... more
This very special show has the one and only Ted Nugent, He is possibly the most outspoken critic of the... more
Kelly Outdoors is a show about just that, The great outdoors and all that it has to offer, Hunting, Fishing,... more
Tonight we have Wayne Betts of Betts Calls and James Keith of Foggy Bottom Calls. Anything goes with these two... more
Of Finding Bigfoot fame, One of the top shows this year is the show Finding bigfoot, Thisn is its third season... more
Give it up for the man himself, Kent Cullum !!! :) Kelly Outdoors is a show about just that, The great... more
Wendell is back with us for the second part of his calling seminar, Then we are talking about the good... more
Wade had so0me family issues to attend to so Bob Alferi the owner of GK calls stepped up like a... more
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