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My Little Pony Talk
My Little Pony Talk
My Little Pony Talk

This show will be dedicated to the collectors who love and cherish My Little Ponys. The fillies that hit the shelves... more

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Random show - 7/7/19

From anime to Manga.   From Books to movies we could discuss anything tonight its Random night. Stranger things/My Little Pony Merch. Blind... more

08 Jul 2019 · 2 hours, 26 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies Pt 23 Hasbro Pt 3 - 6/23/2019

join us as we dive back into the Hasbro line of plushies.  The mother land of Ponys.  The home the... more

24 Jun 2019 · 2 hours, 10 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies Pt 22 Hasbro Pt 2 - 6/2/2019

Sorry about the long pause again but life hit both the host and cohost hard after the aniversary show.  We... more

03 Jun 2019 · 2 hours, 12 minutes
10 Year Anniversary Celebration Show - 5/11/2019

Ok yes we already had 1 show about this but come on this is our Diamond anniversary there is NO... more

12 May 2019 · 2 hours, 3 minutes
10 Years on the air Tonight - 5/8/2019

Join the host of our long-lasting podcast while she has a small celebration on the day of the first episode... more

09 May 2019 · 1 hour, 31 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies Pt 21 Hasbro Pt 1 - 4/13/2019

Looks back at the FuRYu plushies and backs away into another huge pile.  Twirls to find HASBRO.  The mother land... more

14 Apr 2019 · 1 hour, 59 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies Pt 20 - FurYu- 3/30/2019

Falls out of the Funrise pile of plushes and hits the floor hard.  Shakes head just to find another pile... more

31 Mar 2019 · 1 hour, 57 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies PT 19 Funrise Pt 6 + Winner of Top Pony Sempai - 3/17/2019

Now Hasbro has basically given license to several different companies to create these creations, so we will be going through... more

18 Mar 2019 · 2 hours, 4 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies Pt 18 - Funrise Pt 5 - 3/9/2019

Now Hasbro has basically given license to several different companies to create these creations, so we will be going through... more

10 Mar 2019 · 2 hours, 22 minutes
MLP G4 Plushies Pt 17 - Funrise Pt 4 - 3/2/2019

Now Hasbro has basically given license to several different companies to create these creations, so we will be going through... more

03 Mar 2019 · 2 hours, 10 minutes
My Little Pony Talk
Random show - 7/7/19
My Little Pony Talk
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