Just some idiots and some books. http://www.myspace.com/the_menstruator Email The M-themenstruator@gmail.com PuVa-puvabidefender@gmail.com CALL CALL CALL 330-2TAMPON Send your zines, demos, nasty letters, neck ties, blood samples to: The M 630 N... more
A scary story about a troll under a building... no seriously. It's a true story.
The Menstruator is back, though she never really went away. Hrc-Her party. Stephen Fry and HIV. Reversing chronic pain.
Beyond angry from a male plumber's affectionate nickname for me, "hon," I read from the scriptures. That is: For Lesbians... more
Pussy vagina has a fever and we reduce it with talk of the Beer Summit (with full beer analysis, I'm... more
The Mother's Day show. Dedicated to mostly non-moms and harshly judged mothers. New Segment, the Menstruator comes out of character.... more
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