Although very spiritual, and once ranked one of the world's top psychic healers, Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn is known for being very outspoken and... more
Helena is a great believer that just about everything can be fixed it you really want to.
Based on previous conversations with thousands of clients, Helena will share ideas about what worked well for some people, when... more
Chistmas can be a tricky time for many- if you are alone or with others, let's make it a good... more
There are so many unknown benefites, both personal and intimate, happening to body,mind,soul, through our sincere actions of Thankfulness,.
Host Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn shares her own experience what has worked for her in her quest for finding Spirit
Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, our regular host, will share her experiences of what works och what doesn't work when it comes to... more
We are truly enetring a New Era for our planet. What was unthinkable for an earlier generation is now part... more
Somehow the Universe has a lot to do with what's happening in our lives. We live a life of universal... more
You'll be surprised. You are a creature of Lifeforming Habits
When You Feel You Are Stuck, Maybe It's Time For This
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