The Radio Disclosure Radio Show is focused on a wide area of subjects that range from UFO's Ghosts, The Paranormal, Hauntings, government... more
In this compelling episode of Radio Disclosure, Matt Aaron dives into the timely issue of drones over American skies and... more
Radio disclosure dives deep into the Texas elementary school shooting. We answer the question of why the police did not... more
Matt Aaron talks about a variety of topics including gun violence, COVID, and government control of social media. it's one... more
Government agent speaks out about their captured Bigfoot. In addition, we discussed several things about the Bigfoot race. A... more
The time traveler David Anderson talks to us about the possible future and gives several big warnings. He says the... more
Bill disgusts the interviews that he did in the Point Pleasant, West Virginia area. He also discussed Mothman’s roll and... more
Glenn Steckling has been doing UFO research and investigation four over a half century with his family. In this show... more
Stan Gordon joins us on Radio Disclosure. Stand has been doing research into UFO, Big Foot and Anomalies for over... more
Preston Dennett talks about UFO, USO, Alien abduction cases and the school yard alien landings and conferences. Preston Dennett... more
Story Summarized: High school senior attended one week of school, and became ill, it was unknown whether he had contracted... more
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