Our podcasts share personal stories of what God is doing across the globe through the lives of everyday believers. Whether it's listening... more
Matt Blackwell explores how God’s love for us is made known through Jesus’ birth.
Ross Lester discusses how the birth of Jesus brings joy to the world.
Halim Suh examines Zechariah’s song and how it points to the peace we have in Jesus.
Jimmy McNeal kicks off the Advent season by exploring Simeon’s song and how it points to our hope in Jesus.
Greg Breazeale closes out our time in Ecclesiastes by summarizing the meaning and purpose of wisdom and who it ultimately... more
We have some big takeaways from the Ecclesiastes sermon series. We’ve also got a few unresolved tensions. Tyler David joins... more
Halim Suh explores how Christians should respond to the uncertainty of our life and the certainty of our death.
A small fly can spoil the whole batch. A thousand follies lead to one big disaster. And wisdom doesn’t prevent... more
Ross Lester explores the importance of making wise decisions and eliminating foolishness from our lives.
Death is an inevitability. How your life plays out is entirely uncertain. Your work and your memory will fade from... more
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