Inspiring, spicy, fun, joyful and uplifting live and unplugged yoga classes taught by Pittsburgh yoga teacher Elsie Escobar. Classes range from strong... more
Leave me feedback! or leave me a message on SpeakPipe Come see me at the New Media Expo in January! Tenacious... more
It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class! This is not a yoga asana class today, but my goodness what we have... more
I just wrote a post called When The World Doesn’t See You As You See Yourself, which was the basis... more
Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to... more
When was the last time you invested in yourself? I’m not talking about buying something, whether it be a yoga class,... more
Guess what I did??? Free Video Yoga Class is the House! This is my first full on video yoga class which includes... more
How Are You…Really? How many times has someone asked you “how are you?” and you mindlessly say “I’m fine, thanks.” When you... more
This yoga class is simple Nothing fancy. No crazy poses. In fact, there are very little poses. This is more of a practice of... more
Discover The Eve Of Your Breath FINALLY!!! The more I live my life, the more I recognize that the most important aspect... more
I've been at home A LOT lately. My body has gone through a pretty massive transformation since giving birth, as it... more
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