Advent is the ancient Christian practice of waiting in hopeful anticipation. At Christmas, we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ and remember... more
An angel visits Mary and declares the wait is over—the Messiah is on the way!
John the Baptist shows us how both silence and speech can prepare us to receive Jesus, the King of kings... more
Each of Jesus’ ancestors proclaims God’s unfailing promises.
Nehemiah’s love for God’s people and God’s city heralds Jesus, whose great love for people leads Him to go outside... more
Jonah reluctantly preaches a message of repentance, but Jesus wholeheartedly preaches a message of repentance.
God delivers Daniel from the lions, prompting the king of Babylon to praise the one true God.
Isaiah promises an unlikely, yet mighty Deliverer.
God cares for those who wait for Him to fulfill His promises, from David to Simeon, and from Anna to... more
God uses ordinary means to accomplish extraordinary results—water and dirt and words spoken by servants.
God chooses a shepherd to deliver and rule over His people.
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