Rejection is universal, yet seldom discussed openly. Each episode, hosted by podcaster and professional job seeker, Rebekah Sebastian, explores the most heartbreaking,... more
How can you break through a glass ceiling when your boss says it doesn’t exist? For our season finale, we sit... more
Asking for help is hard, and repeated rejection only deepens the struggle. But in the end, you don’t know what... more
Everyone’s tried to use a connection to get their foot in the door, but without careful fact-checking, you might just... more
How do you showcase your best work to a potential employer—without the risk of giving away your best ideas? Some roles... more
What if getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to you? "You can't make this stuff up"—but when you're... more
If a job is taken away before you start, did you even have the job to begin with? In today’s episode,... more
What happens when a dream job disappears into thin air? Today’s episode of Thank You for Your Interest feels like a... more
Ever been hooked up to a polygraph and quizzed about your own life? Would you pass the test? In the premiere... more
Explore the most heartbreaking, hilarious, or hellish job rejection stories from job seekers just like you, a reminder that rejection... more
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