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The Joyful Creative
The Joyful Creative
Deborah O'Toole

The Joyful Creative is a source of inspiration for integrating creativity into your busy life. Whether you're into painting, writing, knitting, music,... more

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Keep creative while travelling

I'm about to go to Italy!!I'm really excited but of course there are now considerations about what creative materials I... more

18 Sep 2024 · 11 minutes
Keep creative...with kids!

Maintaining your creative practice alongside parenting can be challenging on so many levels. In this episode I share tips I... more

11 Sep 2024 · 15 minutes
Dance like YOU'RE not watching!

Hi there. It's Deborah O'Toole artist here. Now, if you're in the Brisbane area, you might be interested to know... more

04 Sep 2024 · 9 minutes
8 tips on How to be creative when you really can’t be bothered

So you have the time but not the motivation? Here are 8 tips to get you off the couch, away... more

28 Aug 2024 · 12 minutes
Don't let your ego stop you from doing your creative thing!

Lately I've found myself wondering if I should still be performing in a rock band at age 53.After 35+ years... more

21 Aug 2024 · 14 minutes
My collab with All Abilities Australia

 I just completed an artwork that is a collaboration between myself and participants and staff at All Abilities Australia. This... more

14 Aug 2024 · 17 minutes
Getting started on Creativity

How do you get started if you’re keen to pick up a creative pursuit but don’t know where to start?... more

07 Aug 2024 · 10 minutes
Why "Joy"?

Why Joy? I didn’t call this podcast the JOYFUL Creative for nothing!Is joy possible or even important in our busy... more

31 Jul 2024 · 14 minutes
6 Tips for making creativity a regular habit.

DESCRIPTION:I get it, you’re super busy with life, job, kids, parents, all the things…. and you think “there’s NO WAY... more

25 Jul 2024 · 9 minutes
My Story

Who is this Deborah O'Toole anyway??In this episode, I introduce myself, talk about my creative background and how I’ve come... more

25 Jul 2024 · 11 minutes
The Joyful Creative
Keep creative while travelling
The Joyful Creative
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