The need for change in the fundraising sector has never been greater. But innovations in technology are evolving faster than our ability... more
In this episode, Nathan and Scott discuss the rapid advancements in AI, their implications for the fundraising sector, and what... more
In this episode, Nathan and Scott explore the concept of anthropomorphizing AI, delving into how simple acts like saying "please"... more
Meet Jean Westrick, an Executive Director at the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG). She has 20+ years in philanthropy, specializing... more
Starting today's conversation, Nathan and Scott discuss practical takeaways from recent conferences, including Scott's experience at the AFP Kindleberger Forum,... more
In today's conversation, Subha Vadlamannati, founder and CEO of OpenNLP Labs and a student at Stanford, shares her journey and... more
The evolution of AI has made our work easy and quick. But it’s crucial that we are using it for... more
In today's conversation, Cherian Koshy reflects on the evolution of technology, transparency, and the role of AI in nonprofit fundraising.... more
Devi Thomas, named as one of the 2023 Social Impact Pioneers and Top Women in Communications, leads the Nonprofit Community... more
Tim Lockie is the CEO of The Human Stack, an organization dedicated to helping nonprofits and teams integrate technology, including... more
This episode explores the trade-offs between privacy and convenience, the promise of AI in enhancing work-life balance, and the ethical... more
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