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The Godmother
The Godmother

In the 1930s, Lucky Luciano, one of American history’s most notorious mobsters, was finally taken down by a rookie prosecutor. Eunice Carter was... more

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Ep 8: Finding Eunice

Eunice Carter’s descendents remember her as an austere woman, with a tendency to correct grammar and table manners. Throughout... more

04 Mar 2024 · 44 minutes
Ep 7: Disorganized Crime

Lucky Luciano’s conviction sits atop a rising wave of public panic about the seeping influence of crime and corruption on... more

26 Feb 2024 · 41 minutes
Ep 6: : Trial of the Century

In the summer of 1936, New York watches with baited breath, as Lucky Luciano stands trial. He’s been charged alongside... more

19 Feb 2024 · 45 minutes
Ep 5: Up All Night to Get lucky

In 1935, Eunice Carter is at the center of the largest investigation of organized crime in U.S. history. Meanwhile, there's... more

12 Feb 2024 · 45 minutes
Ep 4: Panic

While Eunice learns the letter of the law, her neighbors in Harlem are surviving by breaking it, and the mob’s... more

07 Feb 2024 · 49 minutes
Ep 3: Breaking Through

By 1928, Eunice left the glamor of the Harlem Renaissance behind for the austere world of law school. She is... more

29 Jan 2024 · 47 minutes
Ep 2: Harlem Czarina

The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 30s established Black Americans as tastemakers. In the vibrancy of her youth, Eunice... more

22 Jan 2024 · 35 minutes
Ep 1: Atlanta

In 1930s New York, infamous mob boss Lucky Luciano is standing trial. His story will inspire Hollywood retellings for decades... more

15 Jan 2024 · 43 minutes
Introducing: The Godmother

In the 1930s, Lucky Luciano, one of American history’s most notorious mobsters, was finally taken down by a rookie prosecutor,... more

08 Jan 2024 · 2 minutes
The Godmother
Ep 8: Finding Eunice
The Godmother
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