Philippa Gregory’s Normal Women is a new podcast from HarperCollins, launched to coincide with the publication of this landmark work of scholarship... more
The marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert set the template for how we imagine a wedding should be but... more
Men have always claimed that there is such a thing as “female nature” and described it with great authority –... more
Bitten, spat on, denounced - in the 1990s newly-ordained women were met with fury by a vocal minority. But women... more
Throughout history women have faced the threat of sexual violence and, sadly, it's no different today. Philippa explores how rape... more
Whether you are on the Board or in the kitchen, a medieval peasant or modern day medic, a Victorian street-sweeper... more
Sapphism, the Cult of the Clitoris, coded diaries and a bower of bliss - Philippa Gregory tells the story of... more
Just how should women behave? Throughout History, they have so often been expected to act as genteel ladies and confined... more
Philippa tells the story of women rebels and rioters - from the leaders of the Peasants' Revolt to those arrested... more
A new eight-part series starts on the 26th October.Normal Women is a radical retelling of our nation’s story – not... more
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