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The landscape of public memory is shifting. As we re-examine the plaques in our parks and sculptures on our streets, we grapple... more

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Introducing: Modern West

If you enjoyed our Monumental episode about Esther Hobart Morris, the first woman justice of the peace, here’s another podcast... more

26 Jun 2024 · 38 minutes
Bringing Monuments Home

Some monuments are larger than life. And they reinforce this idea that monuments are supposed to inspire awe and maybe... more

26 Feb 2024 · 1 hour,
Staring Down Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain Park is Georgia's most popular attraction, and its centerpiece is a massive rock carving that depicts three Confederate... more

19 Feb 2024 · 53 minutes
Hell Valley, Hawai‘i, USA

Pearl Harbor National Monument is the most visited place in Hawaii, and it’s one of two national sites recognizing a... more

12 Feb 2024 · 53 minutes
In NYC, A Tale of Two Monuments

The legacy of slavery in this country is undeniable. And yet we’re a long way from acknowledging how fundamental it... more

05 Feb 2024 · 46 minutes
The Suffragist in the Basement

When it comes to women and monuments in the U.S., we seem to prefer mythical or allegorical women – think... more

29 Jan 2024 · 51 minutes
Whispers in Wilmington

We’re used to recognizing someone powerful with a statue. But what happens when there’s no statue or memorial to a... more

27 Nov 2023 · 51 minutes
Boston’s Tribute to Chinatown’s Everyday Heroes

Sometimes it’s hard to know which came first – monuments or the stories we tell about who and what is... more

20 Nov 2023 · 45 minutes
Monumental Conflict in Santa Fe

An obelisk called The Soldiers' Monument in downtown Santa Fe was erected after the Civil War to honor soldiers from... more

13 Nov 2023 · 52 minutes
The Cult of Columbus

For generations, Christopher Columbus has been glorified in monument after monument across the United States. And while Columbus statues have... more

06 Nov 2023 · 41 minutes
Introducing: Modern West
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