The Piano Sensei Way is a podcast where I help piano teachers minimize stress and maximize success! I share my way of... more
Do you have students you can’t keep a steady beat or have trouble with rhythm? Do you want your students... more
Do you want people to recognize your studio name around town? Have you thought about ways to get name recognition?... more
I was interviewed by Rachel Ehring of the Topmusic Piano Podcast. The show is about creative resources, trends in piano... more
What do you do to encourage your students to compose or explore more creativity? Have you thought about incorporating more... more
Do you want to include more improv in your lessons? Do you want students to be more comfortable with different... more
Do your students struggle to make progress? Do you have a hard time getting them to practice and be disciplined?... more
I was interviewed by Amit Weiner of the Rewind Podcast. His show's main focus is: How to Grow Your Music... more
Dr. Evan Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Piano at the University of Florida, joins us to share his ideas about how... more
Amy Chaplin is a piano teaching entrepreneur — In addition to running her private studio, she is a blogger, podcaster,... more
How do you help parents motivate their children to practice? Is there such a thing as a parent who is... more
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