Bishop Charles Manuel “Sweet Daddy” Grace was once one of the richest Black men in America. But not many people know about... more
Marcy receives a mysterious email, which answers some questions but raises more. And she finally speaks to someone who knew... more
From the time Daddy Grace founded the United House of Prayer in 1919, his life was not without controversy: from... more
Daddy Grace’s relationship with money – how much he seemed to have, how his followers practically threw cash at him... more
One of Daddy Grace’s lasting legacies is shout music: specifically, the horn-driven shout bands, whose presence – even today –... more
As a child, Marcy was never allowed to attend a United House of Prayer service — her family told her... more
Both Daddy Grace’s family and Marcy’s family came to America from the same Cape Verdean island. And they landed in... more
Since she was a little girl, Marcy DePina felt drawn to a man called Daddy Grace, a charismatic immigrant from... more
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