In 1931 On a night cold enough to freeze your bones, a larger than life prospector, in search of a legendary lost... more
Slumach’s lost mine isn’t the only tale of gold hidden in Western Canada with a dubious history. There is a... more
The Spanish were known for keeping records of their colonial exploits around the world, but they were also known for... more
Charlie Mould believed that Spanish explorers began mining and processing gold in the years before the British officially claimed what... more
Passed down to a young Jack Mould by his father Charlie, were tales of Spanish explorers mining for gold in... more
Claiming to have found Slumach’s legendary motherlode, WWII veteran and German POW survivor, Stu Brown, allegedly hauls ten pounds of... more
Volcanic Brown vanished without a trace - but how? Why? Was he murdered? Did he fake his own death? Did... more
Volcanic Brown, known in some circles as ‘Doc Brown’, set his gold-fevered sights on finding Slumach’s legendary lost mine. Legend has... more
Volcanic Brown makes a name for himself as a miner within Boundary Country in the early 20th century by making... more
On August 26, 1899, the name Volcanic City first appeared in the Cascade Record newspaper. It was said to be... more
In our mission to to uncover the truth behind the curse of Slumach’s gold mine, a major piece to the... more
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