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People & Forests with Helen Dancer
People & Forests with Helen Dancer
The Academic Podcast Agency

People & Forests is a podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about our relationships with forests, why forests matter to... more

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A forest for future generations

A forest for future generations The UK is one of the few places in Northern Europe to have retained some of... more

04 May 2023 · 19 minutes
Does nature have rights?

Does nature have rights?In 2021 Ecuador’s Constitutional Court set a global precedent when it upheld constitutional rights of nature to... more

27 Apr 2023 · 16 minutes

Irreplaceable How have our relationships with forests evolved over time? What is it that makes forests special and even, irreplaceable? Helen... more

21 Apr 2023 · 16 minutes
People & Forests with Helen Dancer (released on Earth day 22.04.23)

People & Forests is a podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about our relationships with forests, why forests... more

07 Apr 2023 ·
People & Forests with Helen Dancer
A forest for future generations
People & Forests with Helen Dancer
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