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That's Healthy?!
That's Healthy?!
Hope Brandt, Registered Dietitian

Where can I learn about true wellness? How can I develop sustainable habits? How do I realistically maintain a healthy diet?... more

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Self-Care & Life Advice with Rancher & Entrepreneur Jessie Jarvis

I’m excited to have Jessie Jarvis on today’s episode! Jessie and I met at an event in Denver recently, and... more

05 Sep 2024 · 40 minutes
Women in Agriculture: Feeding the World with Ally Spears, Rancher and Agriculture Advocate

I'm so excited to have Ally Spears with me today! Ally is a fourth-generation farmer and rancher originally from northern... more

22 Aug 2024 · 41 minutes
Nutrition Red Flags and Helpful Mindset Shifts with Esosa Osagiede, RD

I'm excited to have Esosa Osagiede with me in today's episode. Esosa is a Registered Dietician focusing on helping women... more

08 Aug 2024 · 30 minutes
What Happens to Our Metabolism as We Age?

In today's episode, I have a multi-faceted topic: metabolism. I recently had a client ask me if weight gain through... more

25 Jul 2024 · 19 minutes
How To Approach Eating At Holidays and Celebrations

This is a special recording, as tomorrow is MK’s first birthday! I thought this was the perfect time to talk... more

04 Jul 2024 · 23 minutes
My Postpartum Body Recomposition Journey: Part 2

This episode is the second part and wrap-up of my postpartum body recomposition journey. I'm sharing more about my personal... more

06 Jun 2024 · 25 minutes
3 Components of Successful Body Recomposition

In today's episode, I'm sharing the three main components of successful body recomposition. I dive deeper into each one: being in... more

23 May 2024 · 23 minutes
How to Increase the Protein Ratio of Your Diet

In today's episode, I'm walking you through the difference between increasing your protein vs. increasing your protein ratio in your... more

09 May 2024 · 27 minutes
Simplified Macro Tracking

In today's episode, I'm talking all things tracking macros. Macro tracking means you're tracking protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Macro tracking... more

18 Apr 2024 · 25 minutes
Busting Blood Sugar Myths with Registered Dietitian Kim Rose

I’m so excited about today’s episode. I have a very special guest, Kim Rose, a registered dietician and a diabetes... more

28 Mar 2024 · 36 minutes
Listen to This Episode When You Feel the Urge to Restrict

In this episode, I’m detailing a struggle that has come up for multiple clients of mine this week. I’m talking... more

14 Mar 2024 · 21 minutes
5 Ways I'm Modeling a Healthy Relationship with Food for My Daughter

I am so excited about today’s topic. I have been thinking about it for years, especially in the last 8... more

29 Feb 2024 · 43 minutes
Quality vs Quantity: What's More Important?

Today, we are covering quality versus quantity. It’s the classic question, "Is what I’m eating more important, or how much... more

15 Feb 2024 · 27 minutes
Protein FAQs

Today we’re covering a topic that is on the forefront of a lot of people’s minds lately. Protein! Protein is... more

01 Feb 2024 · 38 minutes
Satiety Explained: What It Is, How It Works and Why It's Important

Today's episode is all about satiety. We are talking about what it is, how it works, and why it is... more

18 Jan 2024 · 34 minutes
How Sleep Affects Appetite & Other Practical Considerations

On today’s episode, I’m kicking off the new year with a very popular topic…sleep! (or lack thereof) And how sleep... more

04 Jan 2024 · 19 minutes
Alcohol: How It Affects Your Body & How To Determine If It's Worth It

Today we’re talking all about alcohol! It’s an interesting topic all the time, but there’s even more exposure or potential... more

21 Dec 2023 · 26 minutes
My Postpartum Body Recomposition Journey So Far & The Power of Choice

On today’s episode, I’m giving an update of my postpartum weight loss and body recomposition journey so far. I’m sharing... more

23 Nov 2023 · 45 minutes
Common Characteristics of My Most Successful Clients

Earlier this week, I was on a call with a client discussing what was working and what areas we needed... more

26 Oct 2023 · 31 minutes
How to Stay on Track When You Travel

On today’s episode, we’re talking about how to stay on track when you travel. But first, a little disclaimer: I... more

12 Oct 2023 · 35 minutes
What Consistency Actually Means

On today’s episode, we’re talking all about consistency. It’s become so popular to throw the word ‘consistency’ around and has... more

28 Sep 2023 · 16 minutes
Postpartum Recovery with Dr. Payton Busker, PT, DPT

On today’s episode, I have Doctor of Physical Therapy Payton Busker on the podcast. Payton is my best friend and... more

14 Sep 2023 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Common Nutrition Struggles & How to Overcome Them

Today’s episode is a problem and solution episode in a Q&A format. I’m going to cover a few common problems... more

31 Aug 2023 · 43 minutes
Mary Kate's Birth Story

On today’s episode I’m sharing the very special story of our daughter’s birth! Along with sharing Mary Kate’s birth story,... more

03 Aug 2023 · 56 minutes
The Episode I Hope My Daughter Listens to: Cultivating Positive Body Image

On today’s episode I’m talking all about cultivating a positive body image. This topic is incredibly important to me, especially... more

01 Jun 2023 · 43 minutes
4 Ways to Support Your Metabolism During Weight Loss

On today’s episode, I’m sharing 4 ways to take care of our metabolism even when we are actively pursuing weight... more

18 May 2023 · 37 minutes
Prenatal Nutrition Myth Busting with Ryann Kipping, MPH, RDN

Today I have the honor of being joined by Ryann Kipping, MPH, RDN, as we chat about nutrition during pregnancy.... more

04 May 2023 · 58 minutes
3 Pillars of a Sustainable Diet + PEC Plates & 2-Mac-Snacks

Today I’m going to cover the 3 pillars of a sustainable diet. I’ll also be explaining my two frameworks, PEC... more

20 Apr 2023 · 36 minutes
Overcoming All-Or-Nothing Mindset & Reframing Body Image with Tony Castillo, RD

Today I have the honor of being joined by fellow RD, Tony Castillo as we chat about ditching the “all... more

06 Apr 2023 · 56 minutes
Performance Nutrition with Sports Dietitian Christina Chu

Today I have the honor of being joined by Christina Chu, MS, RD, CSSD. Christina is a performance dietitian so... more

23 Mar 2023 · 56 minutes
Breaking All the Food Rules with Miranda Galati

Today I have the honor of being joined by Miranda Galati, RD as we talk about our shared goal of... more

09 Mar 2023 · 51 minutes
My 4 S.T.E.P. Process for Deciphering Reliable Nutrition Information

Are you confused by conflicting nutrition information and not sure what to believe? On today's episode, I'm going to share... more

23 Feb 2023 · 46 minutes
Creating Consistency & Autonomy in Your Workout Routine with Evlo Fitness

On today’s episode, I have Doctors of Physical Therapy Shannon Ritchey and Payton Busker on the podcast. Shannon is the... more

09 Feb 2023 · 29 minutes
Real Talk with Jordan Syatt: Body Positivity, The Nutritional Pendulum & Prioritizing Health as a Parent

On today’s episode, I have Jordan Syatt as my guest. I’m a long time follower of Jordan and I resonate... more

09 Feb 2023 · 53 minutes
My History with the Paleo Diet & 3 Major Changes to My Nutrition Philosophy

On today’s episode, I’m sharing my personal journey and evolution with dieting, weight loss, and nutrition. I’ll share what has... more

09 Feb 2023 · 43 minutes
Welcome to That's Healthy?!

Where can I learn about true wellness?  How can I develop sustainable habits? How do I realistically maintain a... more

27 Jan 2023 · 1 minute
That's Healthy?!
My History with the Paleo Diet & 3 Major Changes to My Nutrition Philosophy
That's Healthy?!

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On today’s episode, I’m sharing my personal journey and evolution with dieting, weight loss, and nutrition. I’ll share what has stayed the... more